We Mama Mia!

Mission & Vision
Promote Abruzzo, making hidden and still genuine Italy deeply known throughout the year, at affordable prices with a Transformative Travel as well as an experiential one
Increase the well-being of the people who visit our land and of locals, with an emotional experience together with the locals, making guests feel at home
(not tourists customers but old FRIENDS who will later become such)
Creation of a NETWORK of locals, indigenous operators with a view to sustainable territorial and social development
involving and enhancing the resources of the territory in creating a system, transforming it into the stage of "stories to live together" in which, in addition to local actors, the guest also becomes a non-protagonist, one of us.


History of We Mama mia! Born from the deep love for one's land, like that of a daughter for her mother, the passion for travel and solidarity. A project born more than 12 years ago when we were few fools to believe in tourism in Abruzzo. it was not approved and I alone with my strength alone did not feel it, but I never stopped having faith. After experiences at Aptr, the regional tourism agency, at the Sangro Aventino Territorial Pact, at Casale borga, at the Associazione Altri horizons, at clown therapy and around the world, the covid forced me to stay at home and pick me up. only care of mom. Since I don't know how to stay still and she couldn't get worse, I took her around Abruzzo, to make her amused a little by her illness and the fear of covid and with the PC I followed the Confindustria start-up course presenting my territorial tourism development project with a social link. Life has always taught us to be patient that darkness is good, nourishes the soul and does not last forever, then comes the dim light that slowly begins to illuminate. And in fact the light began to shine, giving me an award from Confindustria Ch-Pe. I arrived among the finalists and the Proger company even awarded me a Special Prize "Sonia Pantoli", entitled and dedicated to the brilliant and young colleague died prematurely due to Covid. What can I say, I have no words for such a surprise with an unquantifiable value. More light than that! And from there I began to believe more in myself and in my dreams and to never abandon them until the end of this earthly life. I want to dedicate this project to my mother, my earthly Angel, to my family, to Pietro Paolo and Alessandra, to the Angels who fly around me (my adored great-grandparents, my ancestors, Sonia, Vincenzo, Luciano and Silvana, Pietro, Mena ) and to all those who suffer ...


To the Universe,
to God, to me,
to my mother, (my earthly Angel)
to the little animals,
to PietroPaolo and Alessandra,
to my family,
to the Angels that fly around me (my adored great-grandparents, my ancestors, Sonia, Vincenzo, Luciano and Silvana, Pietro, Tiziana and , Mena, relatives and friends ),
to all those who love me and also to those who did not believe in me,
to the good associations,
to clown therapy,
to those who suffer and
to all travelers,
to all special souls ...